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Notice-Buyer To Seller-Bailee Repudiation Of Document Of Title


[First Name of Recipient] [Last Name of Recipient]
[Company's Name of Recipient]
[Address of Recipient]
[City of Recipient], [State of Recipient]
[Zip Code of Recipient]

Dear [Mr./Mrs.] [Last Name of Recipient]:

On [Date of delivery], you delivered to the undersigned a document of title covering goods in the possession of [Name of Bailee], of [Address of Bailee], [City of Bailee], [State of Bailee], as bailee. The goods are the subject of a sales agreement between you and the undersigned dated.

On [Date Title was tendered], the undersigned tendered the document of title above described to the bailee, but the bailee refused to surrender the goods to the undersigned. The undersigned therefore revokes [his or her] acceptance of the tender made by the document of title, and hereby notifies you that you are in default under the agreement. The undersigned will hold the rejected document of title until receipt of instructions from you concerning disposition of the document of title and the making by you of proper tender.

